Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has been recognized for centuries for its remarkable health-enhancing and medicinal properties. Although known specifically for external application to the skin, aloe juice is also widely used to help a variety of conditions of the digestive tract.

The aloe leaf contains at least seventy five nutrients and more than 200 active compounds, including twenty minerals, twenty of the twenty two necessary amino acids and twelve vitamins.

Aloe Vera juice is believed to have anti-inflammatory action in the digestive system and is often used for heartburn and to ease constipation. Aloe Vera juice can be effective for treating inflammatory bowel disease. Researchers concluded that aloe was able to rebalance the intestines by "regulating gastrointestinal pH while improving GI mobility, increasing stool specific gravity, and reducing populations of certain fecal microorganisms, including yeast." Other studies have shown that aloe vera juice helps detoxify the bowel, neutralize stomach acidity and relieve constipation and gastric ulcers.

Aloe gel has been shown to reduce inflammation and also exhibits antibacterial effects. Located inside the leaf is a clear, thin, jellylike substance that works great as a skin salve. Applied to the skin, it acts as a mild anesthetic and relieves itching, swelling, and pain.